With everything else having been commodified, Glaswegians have taken to feeding huge flocks of pigeons for fun. I now know how Tippi Hedren felt in The Birds.
Last Saturday we went to Troon to hang out with
and (here with ).Before we met, I did the Parkrun. Here is the brutally focused man who went on to win.

I felt a bit down on Sunday but was cheered by Olesya Ilenok’s psychogeographic dérive around the Barrowlands. We are so often trapped in a visual world that it is hard to really hear the sounds of the city.

Lilian Ptáček’s Anatomical [an approximation] had a different kind of sensory experience, comparing the city to a digestive system.
On Monday, the roof of a Georgian mansion burned leading to a lot of handwringing about care for the built environment. Read
’s column in the Herald for more.There was a good discussion about sex robots with
and Kirsty Logan at Offline on Wednesday. It is a stimulating topic, with much incidental humour, but rather sad to imagine people resorting to dolls as substitutes.I do love the Offline neon. Here is Jim Monaghan, community activist and organiser of the Govanhill Book Festival.
There is another festival happening at the moment in Edinburgh, indeed there are six. I got a tour of the Art Festival, which I am going to be writing about soon. Here are the curators with artist Karol Radziszewski.
Man, you get about 😎 Love the pigeon shot!
Nice photos Neil, love the expression of the highly focused man. The one of the papers on the table reminds me of a photo by Steichen with sugar cubes. If I find it I'll share it on notes.