Some interesting thoughts there, Neil. My relationship with alcohol has changed over the years. Like you, my first 'proper' drink (can't remember the age - 11?) was Bacardi and coke. I had two very weak ones that my mother made and then she made the mistake of letting me make my own. I couldn't stand after it. I didn't do any underage drinking but did do way too much at Uni and then in my 20s. Illness and, later, kids changed that. Now, later in life, my body just doesn't process it well and one glass of wine can make me feel terrible. I haven't stopped drinking entirely but I can go weeks without touching alcohol. If I fancy a glass of something, I'll have it, if not, I don't bother. Life is much better without any form of hangover, lol.

Lindsay Johnstone has linked to this in her latest post which is how I've come to it :)

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Thanks for sharing, Lynn. It is so central to the culture that we can't escape having weird relationships with it. Do you have alcohol in the house or is it something that you actively have to chose to buy?

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We have alcohol in the house. In fact, there is probably enough gin to fill a bath! Enough whisky to fill a foot bath, lol. We just don't drink with any kind of regularity.

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Very wise! Party at yours!!

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We could certainly do with some help in shifting the stuff!

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Great stuff Neil. It's a thing I've gone back and forth on. There are hardened alcoholics in my family line. I have their addictive personality, and have at times called myself a full blown addict and problem drinker. Neither are true right now, but the lines are blurry, the territory a grey area. Was booze free for a year, and it was great. And there's no denying that being wasted has cost me personally and professionally in the past. Might be time for another crack at it...

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Thanks Bram. Curious how you get on. I thought Lindsay's post was good with her husband trying for a year: https://lindsayjohnstone.substack.com/p/my-spouse-is-sober-im-not

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Oh nice, I'll give this a read too!

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A honest story, for many people including myself to recognize. At special the strange love vs hate relationship with it.

Sometimes good to step back from it for a while. To feel conscious, bit confused but awake ;-)

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Thank you Sasker. I look forward to seeing what you decide after the 100 days.

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I didn't realise that there was so much I didn't know about you! Just remember to walk the path of moderation!

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