Dec 5, 2022Liked by Neil Scott

With January around the corner I am definitely interested in different kinds of (unusual?) year-long projects. Ideal December post material I would think

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Neil Scott

Adding to this, in terms of roundup material - I would be interested to discover more Substacks from people in Glasgow / Edinburgh / Scotland or at least the UK - so much seems to be taken up by the journalist-adjacent in New York.

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Sam (based in Edinburgh) from The Fitzwilliam - https://www.thefitzwilliam.com/ - just told me about Her Fingers Bloomed by Peter McLaughlin (based in Glasgow) - https://herfingersbloomed.substack.com/ - though neither is focused on those places.

I also saw this one by Lisette May Monroe recently: https://lisettemaymonroeallconsuming.substack.com/

When are we going to get yours?

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I wonder what percentage of year-long projects make it to December. As Jimothy says, keep it humble.

BTW, I find it strange how people treat December like it doesn't count when they are doing reviews of the year: there could be interesting stuff released!

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