try these ladies: Mikiko Hara, Rinko Kawauchi, Miyako Ishiuchi, Yurie Nagashima

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Second all these endorsements. There is a great Louisiana Channel interview with Ishiuchi (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qdCNE0dHGQ). I've spent a small fortune on Rinko Kawauchi books. A few other favourites: Eikoh Hosoe, Daisuke Yokota, Yoichi Nagano, and Masahisa Fukase.

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Gosh! This is a whole new world to me. I feel embarrassed all over again. Thank you!

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No embarrassment necessary! All part of the fun of encountering new work.

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thank you! excellent additions!

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I have written a little about the Daybooks and Weston a while ago. It‘s great reading your angle, because it is always different. Looking forward to Strand, Steichen and Steglitz (latter is on my list too!) =)

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Magic! So happy to intersect research with you again!

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I was excited to see your post and it did not disappoint!

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i'm happy to hear that you found some positivity in your embarrassment because i think you shouldn't be embarrassed at all. would i like to know about all important photographers? of course i do. is that possible? not at all, not for me anyway. as weston said: what makes a photographer more important than other? so my embarrassment goes out the window. instead, when i have time, i take a look and search for what fascinates me at the moment: japanese photographers; their way of seeing life combined with the culture is ... wow!

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Do you recommend any Japanese photographers? I will be writing about a specific one in two weeks but would be good to know more!

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Jun 25Liked by Neil Scott

Thank you for this, and all the other recommendations in the comments. Aside from anything else Geoff Dyer’s book Out of Sheer Rage ( recounting his efforts to write about Lawrence) is very funny in places!

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I am about thirty pages in and enjoying it a lot. I also recommend the Last Days of Roger Federer.

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Thanks for the encouragement, it is sitting unread on my shelf!!

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Jun 9Liked by Neil Scott

Thank you Neil for reminding me of lending my copy of “Daybooks”, never to have it returned..I will now search for a replacement. Your post reminded me of how inspiring reading about Weston’s time in Mexico was. In my opinion , Weston and Strand’s life’s body of work is a pretty good place to spend time..thanks again.

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Thanks Rick! The daybooks are great even though I mainly did keyword searches. Still need to do Strand, Stieglitz and Steichen!

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Very interesting. Thank you.

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Jun 9Liked by Neil Scott

More thought provocation!

Personally, I liked the photo of the pepper best!

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